The end result of this field school would appear to be 1 polished website, 16 edited interviews, and 14 personal reflections — but that is not the full field school experience.
We cannot replicate that experience on a website. We cannot capture the humanity and beauty of each of the designers through video. We cannot convey what entering a designers space actually feels like.
What you see in our edited interviews is only one version, a mere five minutes of a 2-4 hour interview, one moment in each of our protagonists lives. The reality is much messier, emotional, engaging, and demanding than we let on — so thanks for being here with us for this part of the ride.
The end result of this field school would appear to be 1 polished website, 16 edited interviews, and 14 personal reflections — but that is not the full field school experience.
We cannot replicate that experience on a website. We cannot capture the humanity and beauty of each of the designers through video. We cannot convey what entering a designers space actually feels like.
What you see in our edited interviews is only one version, a mere five minutes of a 2-4 hour interview, one moment in each of our protagonists lives. The reality is much messier, emotional, engaging, and demanding than we let on — so thanks for being here with us for this part of the ride.